Marina Pisklakova-Parker is the Senior Director for GBV Advocacy at the Vital Voices Global Partnership since November 2022. Prior to that she has been working on GBV response and prevention for about thirty years starting the first helpline for battered women in Russia and working alone during the first year. In 1993 the Center for the Prevention of Violence “ANNA” was founded based on the first helpline. As one of the original Vital Voices Global Network members, Ms. Pisklakova-Parker and her NGO Center ANNA actively worked on the prevention of GBV in Russia and Eurasia building a movement, working in policy change, raising awareness on different forms of gender-based violence, implementing justice institutes and leadership training programs as well as coordinating the Network of about 150 organizations in the region. Ms. Pisklakova-Parker was honored by the international organization Human Rights Watch in 1997 and in 1998 by Human Rights Watch (California) together with five other human rights defenders from different countries as the most significant activists of the decade. Ms. Pisklakova-Parker is featured in the book by Kerry Kennedy “Speak Truth to Power” representing Russia. In 2004 Marina Pisklakova-Parker was honored by Vital Voices Global Partnership for her work on trafficking in human beings. The story of Marina’s life and work as one of seven women leaders working to advance women’s and human rights is featured in the documentary play SEVEN. In 2011 Marina Pisklakova-Parker was named by Newsweek Magazine as one of 150 Women who shake the world. In 2013 Glamour magazine (Russia) named Marina Pisklakova-Parker a woman of the year in the nomination for Best Social Project. In 2021 Ms. Pisklakova-Parker received Hillary Rodham Clinton Award from the Georgetown Institute for Women, Pace, and Security.