Oren Jacobson
Co-Executive Director
Oren Jacobson is a civic entrepreneur, organizer, thought leader, policy advisor, and consultant focused on helping communities and organizations build the strength and capacity necessary to improve people's lives. Guided by a mission to deepen understanding, build capacity, and drive tangible progress that creates systemic level improvement in people’s lives, his work is dedicated to creating an American reality that matches the American ideal of justice and liberty for all.
Oren is known for showing up consistently as an ally and organizing to help build power and change policy and his civic advocacy spans local to international engagement.
​Oren co-founded and now serves as the Co-Executive Director of Men4Choice, an organization that works to activate, educate, and mobilize male allies in the fight for reproductive freedom. He holds a Master’s in International Relations from the University of Chicago, a Master's in Economics and Policy Analysis from DePaul University, and an MBA from Regis University.