PlenaryOct 23, 20247:25 AM7:40 AMOnlineKeynote - Polarisation on the Rise: Preserving Peaceful Societies
PlenaryOct 23, 20248:35 AM9:10 AMOnlineUnity without uniformity: How can tech and AI champion diversity?
PlenaryOct 23, 20249:50 AM10:15 AMOnlineConversion on global health: finding a path to collective healing
BookstoreOct 23, 202410:20 AM10:50 AMBook Signing - Tori Tsui: It's Not Just You: How to Navigate Eco-Anxiety and the Climate Crisis
Work Hub (Discovery Space)Oct 23, 202410:25 AM11:00 AMAddressing the complexity of violence in the workplace
Home Hub (Discovery Space)Oct 23, 202410:25 AM11:00 AMFrom macho to mindful: Positive manhood to transform our culture
Society Hub (Discovery Space)Oct 23, 202410:25 AM11:00 AMHalf the world goes to polls in 2024: Ensuring women's voices are heard
Online Hub (Discovery Space)Oct 23, 202410:25 AM11:00 AMRising Talents: Women Pioneering Tech-driven Change
PlenaryOct 23, 202412:50 PM1:25 PMOnlineNavigating sustainability: From economic growth to environmental and social stewardship
PlenaryOct 23, 20241:25 PM2:00 PMOnlineImagining the Future of Work: Crafting Trust, Cohesion, and shared Values
BookstoreOct 23, 20242:00 PM2:20 PMBook Signing - Jean-Pierre Goux: Révolution bleue : la petite princesse
Work Hub (Discovery Space)Oct 23, 20242:20 PM2:55 PMBridging the divide: Tackling wage gap and ageism
Home Hub (Discovery Space)Oct 23, 20242:20 PM2:55 PMInclusion: The Transformative Power of Sport by Deloitte
Online Hub (Discovery Space)Oct 23, 20242:20 PM2:55 PMRedefining Beauty: Tackling body shaming to reconcile women with their body
BookstoreOct 23, 20242:30 PM3:00 PMBook Signing - Emmanuelle Larroque: Tu seras scientifique, ma fille !
Society Hub (Discovery Space)Oct 23, 20242:30 PM3:05 PMWomen Entrepreneurs for Good Pitching Contest: Reweaving the Fabric of Society, One Venture at a Time (1/2)
Home Hub (Discovery Space)Oct 23, 20243:00 PM3:35 PMCrafting the future starts at home: Opening more doors for girls and women
Online Hub (Discovery Space)Oct 23, 20243:00 PM3:35 PMOnlineReconciling Dreams and Realities: Career Success of African Women by Aspen France
Society Hub (Discovery Space)Oct 23, 20243:10 PM3:45 PMWomen Entrepreneurs for Good Pitching Contest: Reweaving the Fabric of Society, One Venture at a Time (2/2)
BookstoreOct 23, 20243:40 PM4:10 PMBook Signing - Lucile Peytavin: Le coût de la virilité : Ce que la France économiserait si les hommes se comportaient comme les femmes
BookstoreOct 23, 20244:30 PM5:00 PMBook Signing - Adrien Chaltiel: Investir en entreprise, toutes les clés pour se lancer