Jocelyne Adriant-Mebtoul is an expert in gender equality and international women's rights, a lecturer, founder and president of an NGO, columnist and producer of a podcast.
Founder and president of Femmes du Monde et Réciproquement (FMR), a non-governmental organization (NGO) focused on women's fundamental rights worldwide, she is also an expert member of theUN Women France steering committee, and honorary president of CLEF (Coordination française pour le Lobby européen des femmes). Alongside the lectures she gives on the rights of women and girls worldwide and her writing activities (articles*, columns, various publications), she pursues her advocacy activities, organizes national and international events and is currently producing a podcast on committed women from all countries and continents.
From her rich and varied career path, we can recall that she chose public service in its social dimension. After ten years as a literature teacher, she balanced her career between public administration and political cabinets, while regularly publishing news articles as a freelance journalist*. In her two previous positions, she was Deputy Director of the Office of the Minister for Francophonie at the Quai d'Orsay (2012-2014), where she organized the first Francophone Women's World Forum in 2013 with Dr. Denis Mukwege, whose work in 'repairing' raped and mutilated women and girls in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), while already admirable, was not yet well known. This event helped to raise awareness of her work and to recognize “rape as a weapon of war”, as well as to bring out of invisibility the barbarity of the violence inflicted on Congolese women, which continues to this day.
Finally, as Special Delegate for International Relations of the City of Paris (2014-2020), in charge of human rights, cooperation and international development, she created the specific budgeted mission “Women's Rights and International” and succeeded in systematically including in the program of bilateral or multilateral trips of the Mayor of Paris a dedicated sequence of meetings with women from the country visited. Finally, she has co-organized numerous events on human rights and women's rights (COP 21 and the Women Mayors of the World, Women's Forum for the economy ad society, etc.).
* Femmes engagées podcast (
Latest publications:
- Israéliennes, Palestiniennes, Libanaises ; une même douleur
- European Women
- Women and Conflict