Vanessa Bousardo

Ordre Des Avocats Du Barreau De Paris

Vice Batonnière


A lawyer since 2006, Vanessa Bousardo holds a Master's 2 in General Private Law from the University of Paris II under Professors Christian Larroumet and Nicolas Molfessis. Trained in civil law, she has been practicing criminal law for almost 18 years and became Secretary of the Conference in 2010. She worked as an associate, then counsel, to Bâtonnier Pierre-Olivier Sur at Fischer, Tandeau de Marsac, Sur & Associés for ten years, before setting up her own firm specializing in criminal law and criminal business law in 2016. A member of the Paris Bar Council from 2019 to 2021, she notably headed COMHADIS, the anti-harassment and anti-discrimination commission. In 2020, she was put in charge of disciplinary investigations, before being appointed Secretary of the Council by Bâtonnier Olivier Cousi. On June 29, 2023, Vanessa Bousardo was elected Vice-Bâtonnière of the Paris Bar Association for the 2024-2025 term.

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