For women to launch and develop their entrepreneurial projects, they must be given tailored support, like all business leaders, and be able to mobilize the right investors to accelerate the growth of their business. BNP Paribas and the Women’s Forum therefore launched the French Women Entrepreneurs 40 initiative under the patronage of the French Ministry of the Economy and Finance. Created in partnership with Be A Boss, Bpifrance, EcoVadis and HEC Paris, this award will highlight 40 growing French companies run by women and offer them specific support.
Catherine Barba, serial entrepreneur, long-lasting promoter of diversity and business angel, will be the godmother of the 1st edition of the FWE40.
The list of winners, presented at the Women’s Forum Global Meeting on November 29-30 2022, will be made up of around 20 startups and young companies, 15 SMEs (with sales between €10 and €50 million) and five medium-sized companies (with sales above €50 million).
The 40 women leaders will join the “FWE40 Club” and benefit from a year of dedicated support offered by each of the partners.


Raphaëlle Leclercq & Juliette Soria
Managing Director | President - Co-Founder (respectively)
