Women's Forum Community


Published on April 22, 2021

Today is International Earth Day, the day when communities worldwide celebrate the Earth and claim, more than ever, the urgency to fight climate change and protect its natural ecosystems. This celebration reminds us of the need to shift to a more sustainable economy that has a positive impact on our planet.

On this occasion, the Women’s Forum reiterates its commitment to Climate Action. We know that climate change and gender equality are deeply interconnected issues that must be tackled simultaneously. Climate change is already having a disproportionate impact on women worldwide and failure to stop this trend will bring to even more serious consequences. We also know that women can be powerful actors and leaders in tackling future sustainability challenges . For this reason, we call for gender-responsive Climate Action.

What are the Women’s Forum commitments to Climate Action?

The Women4ClimateAction Daring Circle

The Women4ClimateAction Daring Circle was created to promote initiatives and solutions to empower women in the fight against climate change and in the transition to a green and inclusive economy. The Daring Circle aims to raise awareness on the relation between gender and climate and to foster best practices and innovation to advance women’s leadership in Climate Action. In 2019, the Daring Circle has launched the Charter for Engagement: Women leading climate action to commit to equal representation and opportunities for women in the sustainability transition.

The Daring Circle latest Report Women Leading the Green Recovery: Promoting women in entrepreneurship and STEM will help build a sustainable and equal world, published in March 2021, illustrates the crucial role of women in STEM disciplines and green entrepreneurship to accelerate the green transition in our economy and society. The Daring Circle has also published the Gender & Climate Dashboard, that tracks global indicators for women’s equality and participation in crucial areas for climate action, and the Toolkit for Action that explores the gender-climate nexus, providing statistics for a better understanding of the interconnectedness of gender and environmental issues as well as policy recommendations for concrete action.

Our Climate Action Partnership with ClimateSeed

The Women’s Forum, has taken a strong commitment to fight climate change through its partnership with the Social Business ClimateSeed. By measuring, reducing its emissions, and contributing to carbon reduction projects with co-benefits on gender equality, the Women’s Forum will generate positive environmental and social impacts. This engagement will cover all emissions generated from its activities throughout the year.

While focusing on the recovery from the pandemic, we must increase our collective efforts to fight climate change and promote a truly gender-responsive Climate Action for a more inclusive and more sustainable economy and society.

Happy International Earth Day,

The Women’s Forum Team