Companies that need more STEM-based roles in the future could be neglecting a source of untapped potential –existing women employees with STEM skills. By offering these women more STEM skills training, companies could fill their need, and close a persistent gender divide in their STEM workforce and leadership.
Skill building can help companies fix their leaky STEM leadership pipeline , characterized by lower rates of retention and promotion for women than men in mid-level and higher STEM jobs. Women, and younger women in particular, value obtaining new skills as a path to promotions and job changes.
Companies must address the barriers that women in STEM see to retention and advancement in their organisations. One way to do that is by over-investing in helping women in STEM acquire relevant skills. But about half of women with existing STEM jobs believe that barriers to that exist at their organisations.
When organisations offer STEM skills training, they make themselves attractive not just to women but to all in-demand talent, as the vast majority of both men and women STEM professionals are eager to skill and learn.
To improve STEM skills and help women advance in STEM jobs , companies should determine the gap between their current gender diversity practices and goals, and then build a STEM curriculum that is grounded in real work and suited to women employees’ needs and preferences. Companies must provide time for building skills, and use relevant channels to promote the opportunities.
Led by Google, the Women4STEM Daring Circle 2020 report has been realized in collaboration with the Knowledge Partner Boston Consulting Group (BCG)