The Women4ClimateAction Daring Circle promotes initiatives and solutions empowering women to lead actions against climate change and accelerate the transition to a greener economy, whilst raising awareness about the ways in which gender and climate intersect.
Climate change has differentiated and disproportionate negative effects on women, who make up 80% of climate refugees, for example. However, our focus should not be on women and other disadvantaged groups as climate victims. On the contrary, their perspectives, skills and vision are crucial to drive progress and implement successful and inclusive adaptation and mitigation strategies to tackle climate change. At the same time, a comprehensive transition to a greener economy is an opportunity to accelerate progress towards gender equality and economic empowerment for everyone.
The Daring Circle is led by BNP Paribas, in collaboration with AXA, P&G, Microsoft and Engie. The Circle is supported by KPMG as Knowledge Partner, with contributions from CARE France, ClimateSeed, Ministère de la transition écologique, International Transport Forum; and HEC Paris as Academic Partner.